Rhode Island Food Policy Council

Contact: Executive Director: Sue AnderBois

Coordinated by a statewide collaboration of diverse, committed and engaged stakeholders from all sectors of the food system, the Rhode Island Food Policy Council will create partnerships, develop policies and advocate for improvements to the local food system to increase and expand its capacity, viability and sustainability.  Since its launch in 2011,  they have fostered the development and expansion of a committed, passionate and coordinated network of stakeholders by creating linkages and connections among residents, neighborhoods, non-profit agencies, businesses, institutions, cities, towns, state agencies and regional groups. This network is continuing to grow and expand and is now working together to achieve the shared vision of a Rhode Island where there is no food insecurity, where the local food system grows, flourishes, and expands so as to meet the food and nutrition needs of all of its residents and results in the creation of a healthy food environment with zero waste and a thriving, just and expanding local food economy.