c/o Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
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Can we tolerate 1 out of 8 Rhode Islanders not having enough food?
It's time to Hunger Down!
Our goal is to bring the community together at our monthly, informal discussion about food and food systems. Each month we host an informal, moderated discussion and highlight a local business, organization, or individual that is making an impact in the food community.
Our goal is to provide much needed business acumen training to do well, do good food businesses. Any type of food related social enterprise is welcome to apply.
With the introduction of our Food Accelerator, we aim to help New England regional food-focused social enterprises address this problem! Thanks to funding from the Henry P. Kendall Foundation, SEG hopes to collaborate with other organizations working in the food space to support ventures that prioritize our local food and economy.
Southside Community Land Trust 109 Somerset St. Providence, RI 02907 401-273-9419
Contact: Executive Director, Margaret DeVos
Email Website Facebook
For 30 years Southside Community Land Trust has supported urban food producers. We currently manage 16 community gardens in South Providence and provide resources and support to over 700 food gardeners through our Community Growers Network.
Urban Edge Farm is a 50-acre farm in Cranston where seven new farmers grow. On Urban Edge Farm, Southside Community Land Trust manages a unique program that ‘grows’ a new generation of farmers.
In 2002, as part of the State of Rhode Island’s Open Space Preservation Act, the was purchased and preserved by the Rhode Island Division of Agriculture. SCLT is managing the property for the State and restoring 35 of its acres to active farmland.
Just 8 miles from our south Providence office, Urban Edge Farm is an ideal site for growing produce, educating new farmers and the public. Urban Edge Farm is a model farm demonstrating environmentally sound land stewardship and farming practices.
The farm hosts new farmers who collaboratively manage the farm’s operation and maintenance. The farm also offers opportunities for volunteers to work alongside the farmers and hosts farm-related public events. The food grown by farmers at Urban Edge Farm feeds Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shareholders, Farmers’ Market customers, and diners at local restaurants, soup kitchens and food pantries.
Southside Community Land Trust 109 Somerset St. Providence, RI 02907 401-273-9419
Contact: Executive Director, Margaret DeVos
Email Website Facebook
For 30 years Southside Community Land Trust has supported urban food producers. We currently manage 16 community gardens in South Providence and provide resources and support to over 700 food gardeners through our Community Growers Network.
Do you grow food in a community garden, a home garden, a school garden, or a market garden? This network is for you! The Providence Community Growers Network (PCGN) provides access to gardening resources, education, and community building for its members, helping gardeners in Providence grow more food!
We’re working with community leaders to establish six Hubs in different Providence neighborhoods. Hubs may be community gardens or other community centers, serving as a distribution center for gardening materials and a host site for workshops and community events. We currently have Hubs in
• Southside: Davey Lopes Recreation Center (227 Dudley St.)
• West End: Groundwork Providence Community Garden (14-18 Ring St.)
• Olneyville: Manton Avenue Community Garden (40 Florence St.)
• Eastside: Sessions Street Community Garden (160 Sessions St.)
The Children’s Garden is a 20 year old program that brings 200 elementary and middle school students to City Farm for an engaging, hands-on summer-long gardening and education enrichment.
During the summer, City Farm is green, beautiful, and full of fruits and vegetables – the perfect time for neighborhood children to learn how to grow food.
Southside Community Land Trust partners with youth summer programs at community centers and schools for the Children’s Garden. Each partner brings groups of 15-30 youth each week to tend to a special corner of City Farm – complete with fun, kid-friendly themes like a “bean teepee” and a salsa garden with tomatoes and cilantro.
Youth participants learn how to grow food – from seed to fruit! They learn about the importance of healthy soil, what compost is and how to make it, and why certain garden bugs are good for plants. They harvest salad greens, fruits, and vegetables and make delicious snacks with the foods they’ve grown.
The 8-week program integrates lessons about nutrition, the environment, and gardening into its curriculum. Each lesson is taught by the Children’s Garden Coordinator, a seasonal employee of Southside Community Land Trust and a current or future school teacher.
Children’s Garden culminates with an end-of-summer Block Party, City Fest, at City Farm. City Fest gives youth participants the chance to celebrate the end of their successful growing season and share the fruits of their labor with parents, siblings, and neighbors. City Fest’s guests enjoy music, games, and snacks – made with ingredients that the kids have grown themselves!
Created in 1986, City Farm is a 3/4-acre urban farm in the heart of South Providence. It is a commercial farm, a unique “outdoor classroom” for food-growing education, and an inspiring example of how to foster a vibrant ecosystem in a city.
Often referred to as an urban oasis, City Farm is a thriving center of biodiversity in the midst of the city landscape. City Farm is home to a wide array of living things. Fruit and vegetable plants are grown, including flowers, healthy soil, trees, and shrubs. Bees, birds, insects, and animals are another part of the City Farm ecosystem.
The farm is a thriving demonstration of bio-intensive farming methods, raising tons of food in a small space using environmentally sustainable methods. City Farm sells its produce to customers at several Providence farmers’ markets and at local restaurants, and regularly donates to soup kitchens and food pantries.
City Farm is also a living resource for food growers of all ages and experience levels. Food Growing workshops, youth and adult education programming, and neighborhood celebrations take place at City Farm throughout the year.
Providing children and young adults with access to healthy, nutritious food is a priority for the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. Young people are among the most vulnerable members of our community as their success and development depend on eating well.
Over the past year, the Food Bank has worked with both elementary and secondary schools to open ten school-based pantries to address they needs of young people seeking food assistance. The sites serve more than 1,000 young people each month, delivering healthy, nutritious food and snacks that students can eat at school or at home.
Current school-pantry sites:
Central Falls