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Can we tolerate 1 out of 8 Rhode Islanders not having enough food?
It's time to Hunger Down!
The Fact Sheets are intended to give Rhode Islanders a better sense of the current impact the food system has on individual communities, and a better understanding of the network of businesses, agencies, organizations and institutions that make up our local food system. A food system encompasses all of the processes involved in feeding people: it includes the production, harvesting, and processing of food; its distribution and marketing; its consumption (whether at home, in schools and institutions, or in restaurants); and ultimately, the recycling or disposal of food waste. The fact sheets present a dynamic “snapshot” of the local food system, and we hope they will stimulate discussion about growing the local food system and using data to track and measure progress. This is a first attempt to pull together data from a range of sources, however, so we invite corrections or additional information that will help us more accurately represent Rhode Island’s local food system.
A collaboration of over thirty business, nonprofit, foundation and government leaders committed to reducing United States food waste in the United States. ReFED seeks to unlock new philanthropic and investment capital, along with technology, business and policy innovation, to achieve this goal, which will catalyze tens of thousands of new jobs, recover billions of meals annually for the hungry, and reduce national water use and greenhouse gas emissions. ReFED was formed in early 2015 to create a Roadmap to Reduce U.S. Food Waste, the first ever national economic study and action plan driven by a multistakeholder group committed to tackling food waste at scale.
Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Monthly and up-to-date list of links to basic needs resources focused on a specific topic. The topics are selected based on timeliness or concerns expressed by member agencies. All resources are verified before being added to the list, so users can be assured they are accurate and relevant on the date published. If you would like to recommend a specific topic or contribute a useful resource, email or call 401-230-1701. Contact: Kristina Fox.
Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Provides a guide of best practices for local food assistance programs. Download this document to learn about resourcing your agency with food and funds, setting program policies, experiences from the field, and lessons learned by your peers.
Rhode Island Community Foodbank
In order to create a sustainable statewide network for food distribution, the Food Bank has organized member agencies into ten geographical regions. The Regional Resource Directory outlines each region. Additionally, it provides specific information for region-based basic needs service providers, tips on how to make quality referrals, and basic eligibility guidelines for basic needs assistance. Click here to download the most recent version. If your agency would like a printed copy, email us or call 401-230-1704. Contact: Hope Indeglia O’Brien
Non-profit, hunger relief organization and think tank. Our message is simple: Help Out While You Rock Out! We collaborate with rock concerts, schools, corporations, and private individuals to collect healthy non-perishable food (for people and pets) and basic necessities for distribution to local agencies and into the hands of children, seniors and families who live with hunger and in poverty.
Help Out While You ROCK OUT!
17-27 Federal Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 401.765.2412